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Lead Book - Sales Lead Tracker App Developed by TechnoScore

Propel the productivity of sales leads with TechnoScore's Lead Book - Sales Lead Tracker app. With our app, we empower business owners to be more productive and organized with their sales processes, and boost customers' satisfaction.

Business owners can make more effective decisions and have a more clear view of the sales forecast with TechnoScore's Lead Book - Sales Lead Tracker app. They can consolidate the scattered information and can monitor the progress of the sales leads conversion process. With an efficient Lead Book - Sales Lead Tracker app like ours, entrepreneurs can sign more deals and serve their clients efficiently.

Our app also enables business owners to track the status of the business leads and streamline the marketing and sales processes. It also provides a graphical representation of the lead life cycle and the leads from different geographical reasons.

Have a look at some of the other advantages and features of our Sales Lead Tracking app:

  • Entrepreneurs can have information on the go with our app.
  • They can compile and consolidate the information at one single place with our app.
  • They can generate Weekly and Monthly performance summary report of their sales executives using the app.
  • Business owners can also draw a comparison between two different sales executives on parameters like lead quantity and conversion rates.
  • The customizable dashboard feature enables entrepreneurs to select information that they would like to have on the dashboard. They can choose from different information like hot leads, lead source, upcoming follow-ups, etc.
  • Our app also facilitates business owners with follow-up reminders.
  • With the user role access management feature of our app, managers can manage and review the progress of the leads assigned to the subordinates.